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Days-Off Program Childcare

Paid childcare is available for NPES students in preschool through fifth grade from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on a dozen days when school is not in session. Our Days-Off Program benefits students because when families need childcare on these days students gather with classmates and staff members they know in their own familiar school setting. The Days-Off Program typically runs during parent-teacher conferences, the days leading up to Thanksgiving, Dr. King’s Birthday in January, February Break, and select professional development days for faculty in the spring. NPES’ December Break and March Break always align with CPS’ winter and spring breaks, but over these extended recesses the Days-Off Program does not run.

Students in the Days-Off Program engage in outdoor and indoor movement and play, reading, art/crafts, a homework period as needed, and for preschoolers, a midday rest period. While students may visit nearby Welles Park or the local library, the program is largely on-campus, without trips. Preschoolers have their own group unless attendance on a given day is small enough for children of all ages to safely play together with supervision. The program is staffed by the school’s outstanding Aftercare Associates and substitute teachers. Students bring their own snacks and a lunch from home. Families register their children in advance for Days-Off, and the current cost is $110 per day.